Memories of my Past

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Did ya ever notice . . .

Did ya ever notice that

 . . . the windiest night of the week is the one when you have to put out your garbage?

 . . . if there are two or more people in a car, it’s always the driver who’s talking on the cellphone?

. . . the only ones who don’t complain about police brutality are the police?

. . . at least one of the women who has accused Jian Ghomeshi of attacking her went out with him at least one more time? (This is not an endorsement of harassment or violence against women)

. . . everyone’s computer seems to getting hacked these days?  Why isn’t someone hacking the hackers?

. . . if you are wearing track pants or other garments held up with a cord, the only time you get a knot in them is when you really, really have to go to the bathroom?

. . . giving a man a condom in his hotel room somehow does not imply consent? (See disclaimer above)

. . .  beer, wine and whiskey (whisky) left in the glass for several minutes tastes much smoother?

. . . just when you hear lovely music and see an incredibly beautiful woman, your wife nudges you and tells it’s time to wake up?

. . . at our (my?) age, you forget half the things you were going to write in this blog?

. . . everyone thinks they have some interesting trivia to pass along?

So in the spirit of the season, here’s some Christmas trivia:

 - the carol Stille Nacht (Silent Night) was composed and first played on a guitar for a Christmas Eve celebration.  The church organ had broken down.

 - the first song heard during the Christmas truce in the trenches in December 1914 was “Annie Laurie”, sung by a German soldier in perfect English. 

 - Officers on both the British and German sides tried to stop the impromptu truce, but the men wouldn’t listen.  

 - There was no such truce on the French front.

On that note, I’ll wish you all a Happy Holiday.  I’m going to spend a little more of my effort for a while on a new book.

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