Historically, the
claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to
avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled.
- Michael Crichton
- Michael Crichton
I was having a discussion (actually a political
disagreement) with a neighbour the other day and I happened to mention my
concern about the Canadian (and other) government’s ever increasing
encroachment into our private communications under the guise of saving us from
terrorists, child molesters, child pornographers, or any other excuse they can
make hay with. I told him that I did not
like the idea of the government having relatively unfettered access to my
communications, whether phone, smart phone or internet. And of course, I got the same old answers
that I have come to expect, “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you have
nothing to worry about” and “We have to protect ourselves against terrorists,”
always invoking 9/11. So I thought about
these reasons and came to the following conclusions.
If we start with the, “If you haven’t done anything wrong”
argument, I like to paraphrase the statement as follows, “When they came for
the Gypsies, I said nothing for I wasn’t a Gypsy. When they came for the Jews, I said nothing
because I wasn’t a Jew. When they came
for the Catholics, I said nothing because I wasn’t a Catholic. When they came for me, nothing was said
because there was nobody left to speak for me.”
While you may not think you have done or said anything wrong, somebody
else, or some other group may think otherwise.
Who’s to say what will be considered wrong by someone at some point now
or in the future. We pride ourselves
that we have always had a rational government; a government that supposedly has
all of our best interests at heart. But
as politics in this and many other countries gets more partisan and polarized;
as the income gap gets wider, with the rich able, in some cases, to pay to get
sympathetic politicians elected; as the issue of climate change gets more contentious;
and as transnational companies get more and more above the law of any one
country, who’s to say what ideas you may have that will run afoul of the
prevailing “rightness” of the day. The
problem with your privacy and freedom of thought is that once it is gone it is
very hard to get back. Once the damage
is done, it is done
The argument about 9/11 is another one that needs
examining. Apparently the laws that had provided
for our safety for dozens if not hundreds of years were no longer adequate to
protect us from another 9/11. In light
of that event, new intrusions into our lives had to be devised. This subsequently led us to the ability of
the NSA and CSEC to monitor any e-mail or telephone call in their respective
countries. The fear of another terrorist
attack raised the level of paranoia to such an extent that many people were
willing to accept this intrusion.
But let’s look at the facts.
There has not been a successful terrorist attack in North America since
9/11. The security minded point to this
as proof their argument is right, although we are told by authorities that none
of the attempted attacks was first detected by phone or e-mail. This being the case, the prior intelligence
could well have been used to request a warrant for legal eavesdropping. But maybe that’s not the reason.
The question is do foreign terrorists really need to expend
the money and effort to strike another attack against North America? Let’s look at what the terrorists accomplished
from that original attack. They made the
world paranoid and many western countries willing to pass draconian laws to
curb many of the personal freedoms that had been the hallmark of western
civilization. They caused the United
States and other western countries to undertake two debilitating wars in the
Middle East. Canada fought in one of those
wars. These wars caused massive debts
that now make it impossible for these western countries to afford to fight new
disturbances around the world. In this
way the terrorists could be said to have won.
They don’t have to strike the west again. The damage is done. The major terrorist groups now seem to be
concentrating of participating in the more conventional (by today’s standards)
wars in the Middle East. They are now
heavily engaged in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and some of the old Soviet
republics with a view of establishing governments that conform to their view of
religious states. That should keep them
busy and focussed for many years to come.
I’m not paranoid about my well-being, but I do resent
agencies having unfettered access to my personal correspondence without
knowledge or recourse. And it’s getting
worse, because new laws being proposed would open such access to corporations
and agencies beyond the police and government security agencies (law societies,
medical societies, corporations to identify copyright infringements). Who’s going to police them? Who’s going to ensure that they don’t abuse
the privilege? Now you’re making me
upset. Now you are going too far.
You will find that the State is the kind of
organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly,
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- John Kenneth Galbraith
All human situations have their inconveniences.
We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and
hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for
the worse.
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin
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