Memories of my Past

Monday, 18 February 2013

Why "You Can't Have it Both Ways"

When everyone is against you, it means that you are absolutely wrong-- or absolutely right.  - Albert Guinon

The theme of this blog is to emphasize how too many people think they can have their cake and eat it too, as the old saying goes.  You see this phenomenon so many times, you tend to overlook it.  The many people who want the government to do everything on a balanced budget, but want lower taxes.  The people who want safety, but want unfettered access to firearms.  The people who want to exploit natural resources as quickly as possible without environmental restraint, but want to leave a legacy for their children.  You probably recognize some of these and many more such examples of this habit.  The problem stems for the inability of many people to project ahead to see the consequences of their policies, opinions and prejudices.  They want their cake and eat it too.

Where do I come from on this theme.  I come from a lifetime habit of reading, mostly history.  I come from a lifetime of working for military, government and private industry.  I come from a lifetime habit of finding the absurdity, and often the humour, of events and pronouncements.  I come from a lifetime of dealing with people at all levels of life.  I come from the point of view of an immigrant.  I come from a life of travel.  All have shown me the habit of "having your cake and eating it too" and the truth that you can't have it both ways.  That lifetime now stretches to almost 70 years.

I'll be following this theme in many of the posts that I will be publishing in the future.  But I will be presenting other ideas that many may find controversial or disagreeable.  I do not apologize for anything I have written or will write in the future. 

So I hope you will log in to this site once and a while and read something brilliant/stupid/illogical/undoable/agreeable.  Your choice of adjective.

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